Common Man for Ukraine is an official DBA of the 501c3 nonprofit organization Plymouth Rotary Foundation, and shares the EIN 59-3841932. Your generous DAF donations to Plymouth Rotary Foundation, as we are identified in DAF portals, will be properly allocated to Common Man for Ukraine's humanitarian efforts.
Checks made out to Common Man for Ukraine may be mailed to:
Common Man for Ukraine
c/o Plymouth Rotary Foundation
71 Main Street
Plymouth, NH 03264 USA
Donate to our Fundraising Campaign by credit card, Venmo, PayPal, Donor Advised Fund (DAF), or check by using the form above or texting COMMONMAN to 53-555.
Common Man for Ukraine is an official DBA of the 501c3 nonprofit organization Plymouth Rotary Foundation, so we share the same EIN 59-3841932 and sometimes appear in DAF and stock donation searches under that name. Noting Common Man for Ukraine in the memo line will ensure that the donation is properly allocated.
Common Man for Ukraine is an initiative of the 501c3 nonprofit organization Plymouth Rotary Foundation, EIN 59-3841932.
All donations are tax-deductible.
Click here or the Donate Stock image to donate through
Donor Advised Fund donations are also gratefully accepted in our Givebutter portal at the top of the page.
Common Man for Ukraine is an official DBA of the 501c3 nonprofit organization Plymouth Rotary Foundation, so we share the same EIN 59-3841932 and sometimes appear in DAF and stock donation searches under that name. Noting Common Man for Ukraine in the memo line will ensure that the donation is properly allocated.
Alex Ray, co-founder Common Man for Ukraine